Stadiums + Venues

Safety Mission – There are many challenges to providing a safe and secure environment for the athletes, entertainers, spectators and other attendees using a sports stadium. This is why safety considerations must prioritized amongst all other stadium operations. Our customizable stadium safety program is must-attend training for anyone responsible for delivering safe and secure events. Some of the most common mistakes made in stadium security include out-of-date security policies and subpar training of stadium staff.

The MAC Safety Consultants, Inc. safety program is built around four key components:

  1. Management Commitment
  2. Hazard Identification and Correction
  3. Education and Training
  4. Employee Involvement

To further these four components, other elements of the MAC Safety Stadium Safety Program include:

Active Safety Committee

All staff and field representatives are expected to attend monthly safety meetings conducted by executive management. Among the topics addressed at each meeting are reported incidents, noted hazards, and acknowledgement of any employees who have gone above and beyond in contributing to safety efforts in the field

Safety Observation Sighting (SOS) Program

The MAC Safety, Inc. SOS program is a formal procedure where personnel report substandard or noteworthy conditions that could result in injury.

Weekly Safety Training