Creating a Safe Manufacturing Work-Site
Creating a safe worksite in the manufacturing industry comes down to keeping danger away. Preventing workplace injuries and accidents requires a plan. From there, this plan must be strictly enforced. The importance of follow-through cannot be understated. When it comes to abiding by safety precautions, there can be no exceptions whatsoever.
We’ve outlined a few simple steps that can be taken right now to begin cultivating a safer workplace for your employees. Not only does promoting work-site safety prove to your workers that you value their health and well being, but it also helps your bottom line by sparing your from costly injuries, employee absenteeism, and potential workers’ compensation claims.
Set a Standard Safety Policy – Resources such as the OSHA website can be referenced for basic safety information, regulations, and requirements. OSHA is the federal agency that enforces all health and safety legislation and regulations. By creating a standard policy that can be used company-wide, employees are empowered with knowledge of known safety risks and violations. They are also taught to identify and proactively rectify potential on-site hazards that may harm or injure co-workers.
Worksite Analysis – Once the standard is defined, step one in your follow through will be a detailed work-site analysis. This requires employers and their employees to regularly inspect the worksite to make sure everything is up to code. Anything you see that could go wrong must be noted and it’s wise to enlist the help of experienced safety specialists for consultation. Potential work-site hazards can be anything from poor lighting to workers juggling too many responsibilities. Compile a list of noted observations and make sure any possible hazard is remedied before it causes worker injury, illness, or disrupted factor operations.
Keep it Clean and Organized – Remember the “out of sight, out of mind” approach to clueing your room as a teenager? Everything was crammed into your closet, vanishing from sight, and most likely thought as well. Needless to say, that particular approach isn’t acceptable in a factory setting where it’s critical that worksites remain clean and well organized. Aisles used as walkways should be kept clean from machines, boxes, merchandise, etc… to prevent tripping. Spills and messes must be cleaned immediately to avoid slips and falls. Equipment and machinery must be properly maintained and regularly inspected. Refer to manuals and maintenance documentation for instructions.
Mark Off a Safety Checklist – Keep a checklist or log of all machines and protective equipment within the plant and the safety precautions workers must adhere to while operating them. This way a worker is more likely to get into the habit of wearing a helmet, protective max, or goggles if they’re aware that management is monitoring safety logs they mark and sign off on each day. An injured co-worker may motivate a few employees to start wearing their protective goggles, but sometimes a review of these checklists, along with observations made during a random walk through inspection, will require management to issue stern warnings if necessary.
Be Adaptable to Change – Safety measures will have to be adjusted accordingly as time goes on. For instance, if the plant receives a new piece of equipment, workers must be properly trained on the equipment. The new equipment must also be added to the inspection and checklist records. If there are a number of changes at the platen, reoccurring walk-through inspections to reassess the worksite are always recommended.
Push Collaborative Team Effort – Factories toady must run smoothly to succeed. This is best accomplished with an “all-in” mentality when it comes to operations and especially worksite safety. Workers must recognize the importance of looking out for each other. They must be taught to always be mindful of worksite safety. Workers should play a pivotal role in the policy creation process. Ideally, employees should be consulted regularly to discuss safety concerns. Encourage, perhaps even reward, employees who are proactive and report hazards before they escalate into costly issues.
When it comes to workplace safety, a “Don’t sweat the small stuff” mentality may actually jeopardize the well-being and health of employees. Small problems intensify into big issues. Manufacturing professionals seeking work-site safety guidance can turn to the safety strategy specialists at MAC Safety Consultants, Inc. Our resources and experience will help your company become a safer place to work with happier employees and increased productivity.