Project Management.


Effective project management helps ensure your project initiatives are completed within scope, budget, and schedule. The project management experts at MAC SAFETY are a phone call away to get any project off the ground or back on track. Even if it’s a project already underway but lacking momentum and not hitting milestones.
Regardless of project complexity or stage, our consultancy services can be an integral part of your success. Our strategies are designed to drive performance and efficiency in the wake of shrinking timelines and budgets.
When you work with MAC SAFETY, you get a complete team of industry professionals, which includes construction managers, architects, engineers, and building specialists, all eager to embrace even the most complex of challenges.

Our approach to project management is simple. We are YOUR representative. From day one, we’re committed to your end goal and vision. We’re the team you’ve wanted all along; eyeing every detail and phase of your project while protecting your interest and guarding your bottom line.

MAC SAFETY’s project management services include:

  • Project/Program Planning
  • Design Management
  • Financial Management
  • Procurement
  • Construction Phase Oversight
  • Closeout & Commissioning

At the core of our project management philosophy is the following:

Effective Communication

When we say communication, we’re not necessarily referencing “talking” or “presenting”, but rather the transfer of our knowledge and expertise to your project. It’s about sharing ideas, solving problems, and keeping you “in the know” every step of the way. A promise to get the right information to the right people at the most critical of times. Reassurance that absolutely no key players are left in the dark. You are as involved as you want to be throughout your project.

Meticulous Organization

A lack of organization is detrimental to any project. Disorganization is chaos. Chaos leads to costly mistakes. Our project managers set expectations and track everything from start to finish. Project scope is defined. Deliverables, costs, timeframe, and available resources are established. Timelines and milestones are set. Key performance metrics are identified. Every one of these processes are then meticulously tracked and monitored to ensure the project stays on time and on budget through every phase of construction.

Sound Decision Making & Problem Resolution

When you have great project management, problems are effectively handled the moment they arise. Experienced project managers know to anticipate even the unforeseen. A decision making process is established to help keep the project on schedule and within budget no matter what happens. Expectations are laid out and there’s a clear understanding among the team or crew as to who is responsible for what. It’s all about preparedness, quick identification, and swift response.

It’s All in the Team

Your project’s success lives or dies by how well your team or crew comes together for the common goal. Our approach to project management is to make everyone feel as if they play a vital role in the final outcome. Engagement motivates. This mentality must start from the top and trickle down to subcontractors and laborers.


Good project management helps bring all of your resources together for optimal efficiency and execution. Let us catapult your next high‐priority project to success. MAC SAFETY has an impressive track record of providing our clients with effective and cost‐efficient project management solutions. Call us today at 724‐847‐3331 to discuss the needs of your project.

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