Owners Representation.


Hiring an Owner’s Representative is an emerging trend in construction. In our current volatile market, an Owner’s Rep can save your project significant time and money. Our Owner’s Representatives work on your behalf to prepare Requests for Proposals (RFPs), find qualified contractors to carry out specific tasks, and manage every process of development. These processes can include everything from site selection to design, permitting, pre‐construction, bidding, commissioning, construction, move‐in, and occupancy.

All Decision Making Authority Remains Yours

Think of your owner’s representative as a liaison working to ensure your best interests and your bottom line are always protected. Your Owner’s Rep will interact with all project team members to effectively track issues and facilitate/expedite actionable solutions. We essentially become an extension of you or your team; representing only your interests. We serve as your eyes and ears at the worksite. Through every project phase, we’ll maintain clear and concise communication, as well as proper documentation and accurate record keeping.

What’s the Difference Between an Owner’s Representative and a Project or Construction Manager?

We’re asked this question a lot. A Project or Construction Manager’s primary focus is on the tasks and project scope. An Owner’s Rep actively weighs the consequences of every task. An Owner’s Representative is similar to a symphony conductor. A conductor’s role is to make sure a group of talented musicians play in harmony to produce a successful and pleasing concert (project).


As your Owner’s Representative, MAC SAFETY vows to represent your best interests in all interactions with various parties. From managing contracts to tracking costs and sequencing work, we are looking to insulate you from daily document processing, record keeping, and task tracking; freeing you to focus on your core business objectives.

If you’re considering bringing an Owner’s Representative to your project, talk to us today at 724‐847‐3331. We’ll ensure your project runs smoothly and your interests are protected at all times.

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